Historical Archive - Fine Art Models/Lionel

Copyright © 1997- 2025 Kohs & Company Inc, All Rights Reserved

The information provided on this page is the result of my (George Kohs) involvement with the work of Fine Art Models from the beginning of that business until late in 1998 when Kohs & Company was formed and dedicated to the production of O scale models. Having been intimately involved in the development and production of all the projects at Fine Art Models during those years, I have knowledge and documentation regarding those projects. While Fine Art Models became famous for the larger scale (1/32) railroad projects and other transportation models of all types and many know, there was an involvement with a number of O scale projects. I have opted to make some of that information available here for future reference as it tends to be available no where else which leads to much speculation and misinformation being spread..

Gary Kohs, Founder/Owner of Fine Art Models passed away in 2017. While the Fine Art Models business I believe still survives, I am not familiar with the current management/ownership and their level of knowledge regarding past projects. I am very often contacted for help with Fine Art Models products and I am happy to help when possible, subject to the limitations of time and available resources. I do maintain an ongoing relationship with the builder that produced all of the train models and that has proven to be a helpful resource in a number of situations.

If you are seeking help with a Fine Art Models product, I suggest that your first contact should be Fine Art Models in Marine City, Michigan. Phone number: 810.765.5155, Fax: 810.765.5151, Web: fineartmodels.com and Email: info@fineartmodels.com. If you are unable to get the assistance you need, feel free to contact me using our usual contact information.

Lionel related Reference and Documentation

Lionel/Fine Art Models Passenger Cars

Lionel/Fine Art Models 2-rail New York Central Dreyfuss Hudson Instructions (PDF, 2.5M)

Lionel/Fine Art Models Dreyfuss Hudson Poster

Lionel/Fine Art Models 2-rail PRR Streamlined K-4 Instructions (PDF, 353K)

Lionel/Fine Art Models 2-rail German BR50 Brochure (English) (PDF, 6.1M)

Lionel/Fine Art Models 2-rail German BR50 Brochure (German) (PDF, 6.6M)

Lionel/Fine Art Models 2-rail German BR50 Instructions (PDF, 5.5M)

Lionel/Fine Art Models German BR50 Poster

Lionel/Fine Art Models 3-rail New York Central Dreyfuss Hudson Instructions (PDF, 3.8M)

Lionel 3-rail New York Central Dreyfuss Hudson Welcome Letter (PDF, 368K)

Original Lionel Related Items That Are For Sale

Fine Art Models Reference and Documentation

Fine Art Models Catalog (PDF, 10M)

Fine Art Models 1998 Price List (pending)